
It has been a constant learning experience for me since I have known Mr. Sudhir Sharma as a Reiki Master, Lama Fera Master, Tarot card reader and even as an excellent astrologer. His depth of knowledge and clarity on the vast subject of spirituality, in general, is truly amazing. Thanks to him, I today practice Reiki and Lama Fera and enjoy the myriad benefits of these life-transforming healing techniques that anyone can actually learn. As my teacher, guide and mentor on understanding the essence of spirituality, I express my heartfelt gratitude to him. For the uninhibited knowledge that he constantly shares with me so graciously, I shall remain greatly indebted to him for all times to come.

Dr. P. Cheena Chawla
- Dr. P. Cheena Chawla
Founder-President and CEO, World Healthal Trust Greater Noida, U.P (INDIA)

Reiki healing energy is just amazing. It had transformed my life. I got attuned from Sudhir Sir in 2009. And from that day I am practicing it daily. It has deepened my meditation. The best thing that ever happens to me is Reiki. I feel gratitude for the gift I am given.

Pinku Dhaliwal
- Pinku Dhaliwal
Seattle, Washington (USA)

I am a spiritually inclined person and learnt Yoga at Vishwayatan Yogashram in 1983. Since then I am practicing Yoga and Jap. But, I was always really keen to learn and experience meditation. Being an editor of newspaper, I came across many people who claimed to be meditation Gurus, but no one could help me learning meditation. When I met Guru Sudhir Sharma, I asked him about it. He took responsibility and gave me classes regularly for one month. While doing meditation under his guidance, I experienced bodylessness, Zero state of mind and many other unforgettable experience. I am really grateful to Sudhir sir for giving me this special experience and a support to live my life. Thanks to my Guru.

Ashok Gupta
- Ashok Gupta
Editor,Owner, Pubilisher, The Mayur Infomail A Neighbourbhood Newspaper published since 1997 New Delhi

Being a doctor and treating patients' day in and day out, I was in the profession of healing. But something was wrong in my inner self. Life had taken few twists and I was emotionally disturbed for quite some time. I thought I had overcome it until it proved me wrong. I needed to heal myself. It was then that I asked for your help with Reiki. In my stressful life, it was wonderful to have few hours of such relaxation that lasted for several days. I always left feeling lighter and with a quiet soul. I believe that the Reiki sessions enabled me towards another path in the discovery of something more. Not only did I feel more in control of my emotional state but I also felt being more balanced. Thank you for putting me back on the right path, teaching me how to help myself and, most importantly, setting me up for the future. I felt healed, understood and loved. You are incredibly warm, understanding and have really helped me. Your passion for Reiki is superb. I'm so pleased to have met you and benefited from your positive influence. Also, you are such a nice person that it's a pleasure just to be around you.

Dr. Prashant Tyagi
- Dr. Prashant Tyagi
M.B.B.S., M.S, M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Sonepat, Haryana (INDIA)

I learnt Reiki in the year 2006 from Mr. Sudhir Sharma and practiced for few years. I kept reading books on Reiki, Chakras, Aura and books dealing with literature on spirituality. About Reiki in particular, i have applied it more often in times of trouble and in my good

Sheetal Sachdev
- Sheetal Sachdev
Associate Professor (Commerce) Maharaj Agrasen College, Delhi University New Delhi

l used to visit Sudhir sir for my Reiki Healing as I was suffering from mental and physical illnesses. My health improved and I used to be in a wonderful and relaxed state after every session. Every time, along with this I used to have wonderful satsang about healing sciences, meditation, spirituality, about the World History, about the enlightened masters. My big interest got generated towards spirituality and I started my meditation classes with him. I learnt some very effective Dhyana techniques (Tratak Dhyana, Zen meditation technique). During this time I actually got to know what truth and spirituality means, what is the mission of all the enlightened masters and who is called a true master. As taught and guided by Sudhir sir, with my growing interest towards the knowledge of truth (Real Gyan) my love and respect for history, literature, arts and the performing arts has gone on top. Thank you very much Sudhir sir. There are lots of more experiences to be shared, which I had during my satsang. They cannot be summarized in few words.

Girish Nagpal
- Girish Nagpal
Actor and Theatre artist, Bollywood Mumbai, Maharashtra (INDIA)

With love, respect and gratitude, I want to share my experiences until now with Sudhir sir. He knows exactly who wants what (Inner calling) and he caters to it in the most simple and easy way. One feels like melting before him, irrespective of time, place, age or any such thing. It is always a wonderful experience interact with him. One of the many recurring qualities which one comes across of him is his patience and consistency. He is a vast sea of not just knowledge but experience too. Apart from being a true Guru, he had always been a continuous inspiration, support, example & human being for me. I feel blessed to be part of this journey.

Preity Sahni
- Preity Sahni
Vastu Consultant & Holistic healer

I learnt Reiki level 1 and 2 from Sudhir sir. He guided me with lots of patience. I always had hundred of questions and he answered every question with lots of patience and depth. Earlier, I used to have lots of anxiety and headache. But now Reiki and Guruji’s guidance has changed my life completely. Now I feel so composed, patient and happy.

Smita Singh
- Smita Singh
Gurgaon, Haryana

I met Sudhir sir in 2006 as I was very much interested in learning Reiki. I learnt Reiki from him and on the very first day when I started practicing it I experienced higher level of energies in me. I also took Reiki healings from him and within one week I started experiencing improvements in my health. I am still taking Reiki healings from him as I am suffering from certain health conditions which according to the doctor is impossible to cure but his Reiki healings has made impossible possible. To me, he is a life saver. I have also learnt Advanced level Lama Fera and Meditation from him which took me to different world. He has given new direction to my life. He has taught me how to live in awareness in every aspect of life. I really want to thank him not only for being a great spiritual teacher but also being a life saver and for always being there for me. He is an enlightened soul who has unconditional love for everyone. His Reiki healings, meditation or any spiritual healing has so much power that a person feels born again. He is my guru, he is my role model. Whatever I am today is because of him. After meeting him I have really understood the meaning of Guru and Sadguru. His teachings, his knowledge is so wonderful. He has given meaning to my life. Thank you so much sir for giving me true knowledge, for making me understand what exactly spirituality is. Thank you so much sir.

Priyanka Sachdeva
- Priyanka Sachdeva
CEO Reiki Healing Mission, Studying MSc. Interior designing, Worked with Aviation industry New Delhi (INDIA)

When I came to you to learn meditation, I was trying to know more about the meaning of life or how to lead life in a meaningful way. I had wonderful learning because you taught in a simple way. That motivated me to learn Reiki in order to help and heal my daughter. She was in the 12 th standard and had health problems. My husband was in Bangalore and I was in Delhi for my daughter's education. My daughter did well in her exams, got admission in engineering course in a reputed college in Bangalore. So we shifted to Bangalore. Last year or so, in spite of everything I was doing, I was driven to a stage of depression. As much as I know, I have been helping everybody out of my way giving all my time. But still I had no friends, no family except my daughter and husband. I did everything I could think of to come over my state of depression. I thought I will go for counseling when I got my Reiki notes given by Sudhir Sir. I thought I will again start Reiki healing but was not able to concentrate. I called Sir and took his advice. He is helping me a lot by healing me. I am feeling better now. My sincere thanks to Sir.

- Sivapriya
Bangalore, Karnataka (INDIA)

We are highly indebted to Mr. Sudhir Sharma under whose expert guidance my son and me had Healing Sessions to cure our physical and mental problems. I suffered heart attack first in 1997 and then 2012. There were four blockages and accordingly, four stents were placed in four arteries. After about couple of months of the process in 2012, I again had heart problem and was again admitted in the Hospital. It was diagnosed that now there is a fifth blockage. Now the choice was either to have fifth stent placed in the affected artery or treat it medically. We decided to take leave from the Hospital; along with medicines we took Healing Sessions from Mr. Sudhir. Since then till today I am leading a normal life without any heart pain etc.
My son, who is now 31, had not been keeping well right from his childhood. He used to regularly complain pain in almost all his body parts. Pain in head, leg, chest, stomach, left arm, burning while urinating, and at times pain in the head etc. According to Doctors there is no visible problem and they could not find any reason for his complaints.
It was a chance meeting with Mr. Sudhir. He listened to my son very closely and patiently, then decided to first give him healing sessions and after that meditation. My son started recovering gradually and today I can say that he feels healthy.

Surinder Nagpal
- Surinder Nagpal
New Delhi (INDIA)

Everyone goes through tough times, sickness, confusion and pain. Sometimes such a strong combination of the above happens in life, that one asks, "why me? what do I do?" I am one of those lucky few who went through a lot in a short span of time and asked the same question. Why lucky?...because only in such a situation one invites a divine solution or seek divine healing. I had heard about Sudhir sir from a friend of mine, I contacted him to learn Reiki and that day I knew I had opened a new door for myself. I realized in the first class why should I be imparted in a 'one to one' class. Reiki offers abundant healing and reconnection wth the universe. Once you accept the connection, it re-establishes free flow of joy within you. Reiki purifies the heart, mind and all our Chakras. It teaches you to keep an attitude of gratitude. Reiki guides you in every way. Reiki is a supreme harmonist and protector. Sudhir sir also teaches various forms of meditation and after understanding an individual, he makes a 'custom made' module to follow. I have benefitted immensely and I often wonder what I did in my past life that I found such a Guru.

Suprita Bedi
- Suprita Bedi
New Delhi (INDIA)

I learnt Reiki, Meditation and Tarot reading from Sudhir sir in year 2009 while I was pursuing my Masters degree in classical Music. Reiki built my confidence and raised my creativity. It gave me a positive attitude. It also helped me in music with which I sing more calmly, maturely and meditatively.
One more change which I observed after learning Reiki and Meditation that I became favorite of everyone around me whether it's my family or friends. Everyone enjoys my company and feel good with me. I am really thankful for all this.

Isha Singh
- Isha Singh
Classical singer M.A. (Music) Studying M Phil. (Music) New Delhi (INDIA)

I am Faysal Mahmud from Bangladesh. With Sudhir sir, I have completed Lama Fera Advanced Mastership. It was so easy as he explains so details of ever4ything. Also told me about some new healings. He is a man one can have as a spiritual teacher best in his life. Love and light.

Faysal Mahmud
- Faysal Mahmud
Artist, Bangladesh